In the process of designing a logo as a fundamental carrier of the visual image of the company (product, service), you need to consider a number of principles that will help make the logo an effective business tool.
Simplicity. The logo should be characterized by simplicity and clarity. The presence of each detail in the logo should be conceptually justified and be an integral part of the composition. If a logo can be free from elements, but the overall idea of the logo is not lost, this element is superfluous, artificially introduced. There is no need to overload a logo with a lot of small details, a variety of colors, complex fonts. Logo design requires proper placement of accents to facilitate its perception and further recognition.
Readability. Logo must be easily and unambiguously readable at a glance, otherwise it is ineffective and does not reflect respect for the consumer: if a person does not understand the design of your logo, while reading the name causes difficulty, it is unlikely to keep it a pleasant memory and a sense of trust.
Memorability. This principle logically follows from the previous one – the ease of reading contributes to memorability of the logo. In addition, the consumer may recognize the competently designed logo from afar, in a different color (eg, black and white) or by seeing only part of it.
Universality. Remember, you can not follow fashion trends when designing a logo, so a few years later it will be completely irrelevant. Logo design should work years after its creation.
Associativity. The graphic component of a logo, its font and color palette should cause only appropriate associations and create a correct and accurate image, which corresponds to the overall brand strategy as a whole.
Functionality. Or scalability. The logo should be equally well readable on a business card as on a signboard or billboard, i.e. on branded media of any size.
Uniqueness. Creating a unique logo is half of its success among competitors. Therefore, it is necessary to create non-trivial graphic elements and compositions to avoid coincidences.
Creativity and attractiveness. The logo should attract attention, cause a desire to consider and understand the idea behind it, which will be further developed in the development of corporate identity.