What does a graphic designer do?
In a broad sense, a graphic designer is a specialist who creates visual communications. He can work in different directions:
- development of brand identity of brands – creation of logos, color palette, fonts, patterns, illustrations for the brand, brandbooks, design of media;
- design of polygraphy: leaflets, brochures, posters, magazines, books;
- Design of advertising materials: from Internet ads to street banners;
- Packaging design for various products.
Who can become a graphic designer?
With a high level of motivation and interest in the profession, anyone can learn it. But for some the path will be shorter and easier, and someone will have to work a little longer on developing their personal and professional qualities. To succeed in graphic design you need to have:
- communication skills;
- empathy and the ability to understand the needs, feelings, thoughts of other people: colleagues, customers, the target audience of the product;
- curiosity and thirst for new information;
- ability to perceive critics adequately;
- ability to think logically;
- observation;
- responsibility.
To learn more about each of these qualities as they apply to the graphic design profession, read our previous article.
What skills do I need to get started in the profession?
We recommend starting your studies with the following disciplines:
The basics of design: composition, coloring, typography, layout, and illustration.
Learning basic graphic editors, usually Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign.
Beginner designers can’t do without the basics of marketing, because in most cases they have to deal with the development of brand identity and promotional materials.
Do you have to be able to draw? Not necessarily, because today’s abundance of references seriously simplifies a designer’s life. To start in the profession it is enough to learn quick sketches by hand. And further, if there is a desire, you can already improve in drawing. By the way, there are many online courses for this, such as “Drawing: from Fundamentals to Digital Techniques” or “Academic Drawing”.
Do I have to go to college to become a graphic designer?
There are no official professional standards for graphic designers. This is why you can find jobs or freelance clients with any education. For potential employers, your skills, professional and personal qualities are much more important than your diploma. When applying for a job, you are almost always required to do a test assignment, or an interview with your supervisor – it is on their results that they decide whether to hire you or not.
Of course, if you are in school and are just choosing a profession, it is worth to go to college for graphic design and study 4-6 years. If you already have a degree in another area, but you want to seriously pursue design, there is no time to lose. It’s quicker and easier to become a graphic designer in 3 to 12 months by taking an online retraining course.
Can I learn to be a graphic designer on my own?
Self-study in graphic design is not uncommon. With proper motivation and interest you can learn the profession by reading books and articles, watching free video tutorials, taking free or low-cost orders on freelancing exchanges, participating in volunteer and charity projects.
But self-study has a number of significant disadvantages:
- There is no consistency in learning design – gaps in self-study can interfere with work throughout one’s career.
- Learning takes a very long time – you have to find the answer to each question on your own, often by trial and error.
- There is no control and feedback, which reduces motivation.
- Not all employers and customers are willing to cooperate with a specialist without educational documents.