Below are the main popular terms of modern design. Often customers, when they apply to designers, do not fully understand the meaning of the terms used in graphic design. It is better when the interlocutor turning with a request to design a logo, corporate style, brandbook, logo logo understands the exact content, meaning and necessity of what is required. Therefore, let’s get acquainted with what this or that term of graphic design means.
Identica – from the word identity (identity). The need for the introduction of such a concept is caused by increased competition in the market. Companies need recognition in society.
It creates a “face” of the company that makes it stand out from the crowd. It is a set of corporate values, culture, corporate style, web site, advertising and souvenir materials.
Identity is aimed at creating an attitude towards the company, an impression of it, its image in the eyes of consumers. It usually does not change throughout the history of the company.
Corporate Identity
Corporate Identity is a graphic component of the identity and is a set of designed elements: logo, corporate colors, fonts, letterhead, envelopes, business cards and more.
Corporate identity helps the company to impress and be remembered by the consumer. If the company’s products are designed in a single style, they are easier to distinguish from other similar products, as well as to stand out from the crowd.
Logo is the main element of the corporate style. It is a typeface inscription that may be a full or abbreviated name of the company or one of its products or just an original inscription developed by the designer in order to increase the recognition and recognition of the company in the environment.
The logo expresses the personality of the company. Successful logo design determines the effectiveness of the entire corporate identity.
A brandbook is a document that contains the company’s official style standards, rules consistent with the company’s values, goals for its development and other characteristics.
As a rule, the brandbook includes three mandatory sections.
The first section is the Brand. This section deals with the main goals, values, produced goods and target audience of the company.
The section on corporate identity provides a detailed description of the elements of corporate identity, logo, corporate fonts, colors, slogans and other objects of company style.
In the section “Rules of interaction” there are the rules by which the company communicates with the environment and the consumer of the produced goods. This is a description of the language and manner of communication, style of design of letters, documentation, blogs and social platforms.
In other words, a brand book is a book in which there is a detailed description of the brand identity.
Creating a brandbook is very time-consuming and costly. New companies can not always afford to develop a brandbook, and there is no need for it. But for the promotion of corporate identity, for the development of the company is recommended to develop a guideline.
Hydline – a guide which defines the rules for the use of corporate identity, its elements, logo, corporate fonts, colors.
It is used in the development of printed materials, advertising products, business documents, websites.
Mockup – a specialized concept used by designers.
This is a kind of layout, with which the designer can present their development to the customer in three dimensions. This can be a cover, packaging, business cards or other products, which is superimposed on the future logo.
Today mockup – this is a specially designed program that allows you to create in three-dimensional image, almost any pattern.
The use of mocaps simplifies the interaction between the designer and customer, and even at the development stage allows the view and make the necessary revisions and changes.
A pattern is a pattern made up of repeating elements, often used by designers.
Pattern or corporate pattern is one of the frequently used elements of corporate identity.
A corporate pattern is another opportunity to make a company more recognizable. It is used as a background pattern and complements the basic design.
For variety in corporate identity design, the paternoster can be used in several colors.
Favicon is a site icon that is displayed in a browser tab and helps to quickly recognize the site among others.
Favicon today is also one of the important elements of corporate identity. Development of the favicon is subject to specific requirements – a minimum of size and a minimum of detail.
Corporate font
The corporate font is an important detail of the corporate identity. The following is a graphic design term.
Corporate font is a set of letters of numbers, punctuation marks and other symbols that define the lettering, width, spacing, size and other parameters.
When developing a corporate style designers use several other concepts.
Fonts are a set of fonts, united by the same stylistic features. In corporate style may be recommended for use several fonts from one set.
Lettering is a drawing of letters, or drawing from letters. A kind of handicraft. And sometimes lettering is used in a corporate style.
Calligraphy is the art of writing, the way to write a letter beautifully.
When developing corporate styles, it is also necessary to take into account the distance between letters and lines. They are defined by the following concepts.
Kerning is the change in the distance between two letters which takes into account the individual shape of the letters. Most fonts use automatic kerning, but in certain situations, the designer adjusts it manually.
Tracking is a uniform change in the distance between letters in a word. Typically, tracking is required when ordering printed materials in the printing press. And the designer has to take it into account to create more attractive branded fonts.
Interlineage is the distance between lines of text. The spacing needs to be taken into account in order to achieve optimal balance in the text.